Our Story


Hello! We are Fibra Design. Our mission is to create beautifully designed objects, empower the artisan women who produce our designs, and upcycle as much plastic as we can from our oceans, rivers, and landfills.. Our designs are inspired by the modern day woman - she is bold, stylish, eco-conscious, and fearless as she powers through her day. Join us in our journey.





Fibra Design was founded in Guatemala. Centrally located, Guatemala serves as a
bridge between North and South America. Unique, and abundant in beauty and culture, Guatemala is known for its colorful textile weavings. We decided to weave recycled plastic threads, and take pride in our 100% Guatemalan designs and production!



This project currently includes a community of skilled plastic weavers, other artisans, and product designers, all women. The women we work with belong mainly to the area surrounding the municipal garbage dump in Zone 7, in Guatemala City.



This project currently includes a community of skilled plastic weavers, pom-pom makers, and product designers. In the last year we have expanded our marketing efforts, and increased distribution globally.


The women we work with belong to the communities of San Pedro las Huertas, Rabinal, Cajul. We also recently joined forces with the women of Creamos, NGO. who work endlessly to provide opportunities to women in communities surrounding the municipal garbage dump in Zone 7, Guatemala City. 


We are inspired by women empowerment. We believe that by lifting up women, they in turn have the power to bring about a positive change in the world.   




Fibra Design was founded  in Guatemala. Centrally located, Guatemala serves as a bridge between North and South America. Unique, and abundant in beauty and culture, Guatemala is known for its colorful huipiles (traditional garments). Inspired by the traditional textiles, we decided to add a modern twist, and create fashionable designs for the modern day women. We take pride in our 100% Guatemalan designs and production.


We are Cecilia and Andrea, founders of Fibra Design. We are two proud Guatemalan women, lovers of design, and passionate about experimenting with the infinite possibilities that exist in local materials, techniques, and objects. We are mothers of children, who nourish and inspire us daily with their creativity, enthusiasm, and natural curiosity. 



Fibra owners, Andrea & Cecilia


“Like other women pursuing their dreams, we want to make this project something that brings us closer to our children, inspire them and be an example to follow! FIBRA  is not only our brand, it is our dream!

Cecilia & Andrea


In exploring new possibilities and strategic alliances, FIBRA DESIGN is excited to announce Philip Lamport joining our team as Director. The three of us align in the initiative to grow and expand this social and environmental project, while empowering Guatemalan women.