Teaching sustainability by example

Have you ever sat down and thought about what sustainability truly means?

Sustainability is defined as a process or state that can be maintained for as long as it is wanted without compromising the future of the coming generations and their own needs.


As parents, it is our duty to show our children through action and choice that maintaining sustainability is not only our responsibility but theirs as well. We must focus our energy on practicing sustainability in our day to day tasks, and encourage our children to make positive choices when it comes to consumption.

Our body is our children´s first home, and our home is their first school.  A child's brain starts as a blank canvas, easily molded in a way that what they see, they will understand and emulate. If as adults we practice in our homes good social habits, culture and traditions, and the value of life we have the opportunity to mold these values into our children's lives early on and shape the future generation.


Life on this planet, as desired, is not possible without eco-friendly daily habits. Try one or all of them with your family, and don't forget to tell your children that THEY ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!


  • Recycle is the new normal!
  • Carpool, or use public transportation or walk more often 
  • Use reusable bottles for drinking water 
  • Grow your own garden and vegetables if possible
  • Minimize waste at home
  • Don´t waste tap or shower water
  • Reuse your clothing (slow fashion)
  • Avoid plastic as possible, or reuse it as many times as you can
  • Compost kitchen waste

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